Monday, April 15, 2024

What is glutathione & how does it work?

 Glutathione is one of the most powerful antioxidants out there and, unlike many of the other antioxidants we need, this one is actually produced by the human body. Unfortunately, as we age, glutathione levels in the body decline, with everything from sun exposure to stress speeding this degradation up. The result? When it comes to your skin – dark spots, an uneven skin tone, and premature skin aging, but you’ll also have to deal with all of the health issues that accompany a glutathione deficiency.

This is why glutathione shots have become so popular. They’re much more effective than oral glutathione capsules and topical treatment options when it comes to boosting your levels of this vital antioxidant. Want to know more? Stick with us as we share everything you need to know about glutathione injections.

Glutathione injections Dr rehana's Clinic

What is Glutathione Injection?

As mentioned, glutathione is a master antioxidant. It’s made up of three amino acids; glutamic acid, cysteine, and glycine. Many of the glutathione treatments out there focus on delivering these three individual amino acids so that your body can then put them together to create glutathione.

This is where injectable gluta stands out – each shot contains pure glutathione, enabling your body to immediately benefit from its many effects. To ensure maximum absorption, each glutathione injection is administered directly into the muscle, usually on the upper arm. The procedure only takes a couple of minutes, making it ideal for busy schedules.

The Benefits of Glutathione Treatment.

So, what exactly are the benefits of glutathione injections? Are they worthy enough to regularly subject yourself to a needle? In our opinion, they are…and in a big way:

Skin Whitening/ Sun Damage Treatment

If you’ve been experiencing hyperpigmentation due to UV exposure or anything else, you’ll be happy to hear that glutathione injections have moderate skin lightening effects. In fact, it’s often referred to as a wonder drug for skin lightening because of how it inhibits melanin production to even out the skin tone.

Increased Glutathione Levels Means Fewer Wrinkles

Just like all other antioxidants, glutathione fights free radicals in the body. Free radicals slowly destroy skin cells, accelerating the aging process. By putting a stop to this damage, a good glutathione therapy program will be able to keep fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin at bay.

Fewer Acne Breakouts

Increasing glutathione levels in the body can help to reduce breakouts. This is all thanks to the antioxidant activity that glutathione displays.

Health and Body Benefits: Enhanced Immune System, Liver Support, and More

In addition to working wonders on the skin, glutathione offers other benefits for your health too. It supports the liver, enhances immune function, boosts metabolism, and protects the body from a number of diseases, including heart disease.

Before and After Effects: How Long Does it Take to See Results From Glutathione & How Long Does Glutathione Effect Last?

So, how long does glutathione take to work? Usually, about three weeks, although this depends on a few other factors too, such as how often you have an injection, as well as how healthy your general lifestyle is.

How Many Glutathione Injections Should I Take?

This varies. Most people need 1-3 injections a week to begin with. After a month or so, you’ll have raised your body’s glutathione levels, so you can then dial things down to a monthly injection for maintenance.

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