Saturday, May 18, 2024

What is GFC Hair Loss Treatment?

 What is GFC Hair Loss Treatment?

GFC Hair Loss Treatment is a ‘Growth Factor Concentrate’ therapy that uses growth factors generated from your blood for the best results in treating hair loss. During the GFC Hair Treatment, the growth factors are administered at the hair root by superficially injecting them directly into the scalp.
The GFC treatment is a safe method that helps reduce hair loss while also promoting hair growth, thickening hair follicles, and increasing hair numbers.

How does GFC treatment work

Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) treatment is a medical procedure used primarily for hair restoration and skin rejuvenation. It involves using the patient’s own blood to extract growth factors that are then reinjected into the scalp or skin to stimulate cell growth and healing. Here is the typical procedure for GFC treatment:

  1. Preparation and Consultation: Initially, you’ll have a consultation with our dermatologist to discuss your medical history, goals, and expectations. They will explain the procedure, potential outcomes, and any risks involved.
  2. Blood Collection: On the day of the treatment, a small amount of your blood (usually about 10-20 ml) is drawn using a sterile syringe, similar to a standard blood test.
  3. Centrifugation: The collected blood is then placed in a centrifuge machine. Centrifugation separates the blood into different layers: red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and plasma. The specific layer rich in platelets and growth factors (platelet-rich plasma, or PRP) is extracted. In the case of GFC, further processing is done to concentrate the growth factors more than in standard PRP.
  4. Activation: The concentrated growth factors may then be activated using a specific process. This activation step is crucial as it triggers the growth factors to release from the platelets, making them ready to work once injected into the target area.
  5. Injection: The activated GFC is then injected into the target areas using fine needles. For hair restoration, this will be the scalp, particularly areas with thinning hair. For skin rejuvenation, it might be areas of the face, neck, or other parts of the body where rejuvenation is desired.
  6. Post-treatment Care: After the procedure, there might be mild swelling, redness, or bruising around the injection sites. These are generally mild and resolve within a few days. Your healthcare provider will give you specific aftercare instructions, which may include avoiding washing the treated area for a certain period, avoiding direct sunlight, and not using certain hair or skin products.
  7. Follow-up and Additional Sessions: Depending on the individual case and treatment goals, multiple GFC sessions may be required. Your healthcare provider will advise you on the number and frequency of follow-up treatments needed to achieve the desired results.

Why Choose Dr Rehana's Clinic For the GFC Hair Loss Treatment?

  • We offer one-on-one consultations with an expert doctor who conducts a detailed examination of your skin type and discusses any concerns along with your medical history.
  • We guide you throughout the procedure with pre-care and after-care assistance.
  • We make sure to use safe procedures in a completely sterile environment.
  • We make you feel comfortable throughout the process, helping put you at ease!

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