Wednesday, March 20, 2024


After hours of celebration and playing with colours, the difficult part comes, that is removing colours. This is the most tiring and dreading part as you will already be tired or exhausted. However, pre-Holi skin care tips have already made things easier. You might be wondering how to get rid of Holi colours on the face now. Here are some more beauty tips for face at home that can help you protect and nourish your skin post-festival from damage.

1. Wash your Face With Lukewarm Water

After Holi, wash off colours gently with lukewarm water and use mild cleanser for bath.

2. Go For Natural Face Masks

Natural or herbal face masks will soothe your skin and help you restore the lost pH balance and lot luster. You can try besan and curd or turmeric ubtan.

3. Use Oils

Are you wondering how to remove Holi colours from the skin? Oils have already created a barrier if you have applied them before engaging in the festivities. Now applying some more will dissolve the colour and help you remove it easily. You can wipe it off your face with some cotton. Use a wet cotton cloth to wipe the colours off your body. There are permanent colours as well. So, you must also know how to remove permanent colours after Holi.

4. A Gentle And Mild Moisturizer

Do not go for any harsh or chemically-laden moisturizer or any other cream. Opt for simple, gentle, and mild moisturizer that will hydrate and soothe your skin overnight. Apply it before going to bed and wake up glowing the next morning.

5. Hydrate Yourself

To keep skin glowing, hydrating your body is essential, especially after hours of playing with colours under the sun. Drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day is essential. If possible, drink a little more than this post the summer festival.

6. Avoid Excess Makeup

Your skin has been exposed to harmful colours all day long. It is better to avoid heavy makeup post-Holi. Let your skin relax and breathe for a couple of days. Apply a good moisturizer or a tinted moisturizer if you need some makeup. Avoid foundations and concealers.

7. No Salon Treatments

Threading, waxing, etc., can damage your skin. Leave your skin for - 5 days to rest and restore before opting for any salon treatments to avoid further irritation.

8. Visit Your Dermatologist

If you have a skin issue or very sensitive skin, you must pay a visit to a skin specialist. Sometimes you may see rashes or breakouts after Holi. In such a case, you must visit the doctor without delay. If you try to treat it at home, you may end up damaging it more. Hence, it is better to see a doctor.

These healthy skin tips for the face and body can protect your skin from harmful chemicals this Holi.

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