Wednesday, March 20, 2024

How to take care of your skin and hair before celebrating the festival of colours

 During Holi, minimize the use of make-up, especially heavy foundations and powders. This can mix with colours, clog pores, and aggravate pores and skin problems. Choose light water-based or natural make-up to allow your skin to breathe freely.

The below-mentioned tips shared by Dr Rehana Ghatte, Senior Cosmetologist & Trichologist, will ensure your skin and hair do not suffer because of Holi.


Firstly, one must avoid smearing chemical-infused colours on Holi. You can, instead, prepare Holi colour at home using some easily available ingredients. “Due to the fact that Holi colours are made with harmful chemicals, the best thing for one to do is use organic colours. A great recipe for homemade Holi colour is the blend of turmeric, flowers, sandalwood, and corn starch,”.


To prevent your skin from Holi colour damage, you should apply oil prior to bath every day of the week leading up to Holi. Doing so stimulates and strengthens lymphatic circulation and ensures the skin is hydrated.

This helps to rid the body of any toxins that may have entered your skin during the fun and games of Holi. The purpose of the regular oiling is to shield the skin and reduce the absorption of chemicals, as the skin is a semi-permeable membrane. If you could not follow the oiling routine a week prior to Holi, you can start with it now.

Moreover, a generous application of oil is also an important thing you MUST do on the day of Holi before heading out for celebrations. 

Before you step out to celebrate, ensure to either apply a layer of oil on your skin, or use an oil-based moisturizer to protect your skin from the chemicals,.

Apply a good amount of oil on your arms, feet, neck and hands. Don’t forget to apply oil on tricky areas like finger gaps and behind the ears.


Since you will be spending a lot of time out in the sun, you should also apply sunscreen before stepping out.


“Similar to the skin on our body, our scalp is also a semi-permeable membrane and demands the same amount of care and caution during Holi. To avoid scalp and hair damage during the much-awaited celebrations, it is crucial to oil one’s hair and scalp thoroughly before playing with chemical-based colours.

Following the colourful festivities, ensure to shampoo your hair thoroughly with a single rinse of shampoo. It is important to use only one rinse as the days after Holi necessitate shampooing, oiling and the use of a health pack. Hence, overdoing the process by several rinses of shampoo on the first day can cause hair damage.


 you can also coat your nails with a clear polish to prevent the adamant deposit of colours on the nail beds.

Happy holi!

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